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An AUTO RESPONDER is One of the Most Powerful Tools used by Network marketers, Do You believe you can run a profitable business without one? Ask me about my experience and you will know. GetResponse is rated between the top Auto Responders with high mail delivery rates.
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Building Backlinks is a MUST for every website or blog who wants to rank high on search engines like Google, Yahoo or Bing. Get your articles spun and ready for the different article directories, why not profit from this program to send your article to hundred other blogs also to build back links to your site.Find those blogs here with FREE TRAFFIC SYSTEM and it will submit your articles through it.It work wonders.I recommend this program for huge backlinks building
Are you an article writer needing your content to be the many article directories? Be aware of your article being turn down because of duplicate content.Spin your content with CONTENT PROFESSOR and its like having multiple different articles in a blink of an eye.
“FACEBIZPRO”, A Helping Hand With Self Branding
Every serious network marketer realizes that Facebook with its 550 million users worldwide is a real goldmine still waiting to be exploited.No doubt this represents a huge potential to any business if they could only tap into just a small fraction of it.
However, Up to now one of the biggest challenges we as marketers have on facebook is to get real emotional connected with those potential prospects to turn them into customers or to have them finally join our business opportunity .
After all,let’s face it, People buy from People they know and trust. Establishing the relationship or rapport is the most important thing you will do in the promotion process. It’s called “Self Branding”.
Branding yourself and standing out among the masses is crucial to help you separate yourself from others offering you a unique look and let others know what you are really about.
Now,we are getting a helping hand.
There is a company,”The Tools Network” whose mission is to provide internet marketers with cutting edge promotional tools that this week introduced their latest product to overcome just this challenge of self branding on facebook with a product under the name of “Facebizpro”.
Facebizpro is a 3rd party application especially designed to use on Facebook to give your page a real face lift. Once installed, you will get your own New Biz page allowing to share to your Facebook friends anything you wish to help them get to know you and your business better.
There is a customizable left sidebar that offers you to show a large photo embedded inside a professional frame that you can also use to put your company info as well a company logo if you choose to do so. In the middle you have a large area that normally shows the “News feed” on Facebook that is for you to show or your company info or a company video presentation or your can opt to have your own personal recorded embedded video.
I just start using it myself and if you really want to see what difference it makes, feel free to take a quick look at my NEW Facebook page powered by FACEBIZPRO: My New facebook Page by Facebizpro
I am sure that after seeing this you would like to get your own Facebizpro. Training Videos and Live training will be held regularly to help you maximize use of this tool!
The coming weeks this will be spreading like a virus and you will see more and more markters taking advantage of this incredible and useful tool. so..get your share now out of this still untapped Goldmine.
Please,get more info about Facebizpro here: Get More Info About Facebizpro
Every serious network marketer realizes that Facebook with its 550 million users worldwide is a real goldmine still waiting to be exploited.No doubt this represents a huge potential to any business if they could only tap into just a small fraction of it.
However, Up to now one of the biggest challenges we as marketers have on facebook is to get real emotional connected with those potential prospects to turn them into customers or to have them finally join our business opportunity .
After all,let’s face it, People buy from People they know and trust. Establishing the relationship or rapport is the most important thing you will do in the promotion process. It’s called “Self Branding”.
Branding yourself and standing out among the masses is crucial to help you separate yourself from others offering you a unique look and let others know what you are really about.
Now,we are getting a helping hand.
There is a company,”The Tools Network” whose mission is to provide internet marketers with cutting edge promotional tools that this week introduced their latest product to overcome just this challenge of self branding on facebook with a product under the name of “Facebizpro”.
Facebizpro is a 3rd party application especially designed to use on Facebook to give your page a real face lift. Once installed, you will get your own New Biz page allowing to share to your Facebook friends anything you wish to help them get to know you and your business better.
There is a customizable left sidebar that offers you to show a large photo embedded inside a professional frame that you can also use to put your company info as well a company logo if you choose to do so. In the middle you have a large area that normally shows the “News feed” on Facebook that is for you to show or your company info or a company video presentation or your can opt to have your own personal recorded embedded video.
I just start using it myself and if you really want to see what difference it makes, feel free to take a quick look at my NEW Facebook page powered by FACEBIZPRO: My New facebook Page by Facebizpro
I am sure that after seeing this you would like to get your own Facebizpro. Training Videos and Live training will be held regularly to help you maximize use of this tool!
The coming weeks this will be spreading like a virus and you will see more and more markters taking advantage of this incredible and useful tool. so..get your share now out of this still untapped Goldmine.
Please,get more info about Facebizpro here: Get More Info About Facebizpro
Adzly, Powerful Free Ads
So...What is adzly?
Adzly is a free advertising site that offers a solution to the #1 problem any internet marketer faces:“Getting Traffic to your site”.
How it works?
1) You create a widget like the one I have on top of this page
using our easy online interface.
2) You put this widget on a website, or several websites
3) You create more widgets and place them on more sites
4) You earn credits whenever your widgets get seen
The next thing is what makes it real cool
5) You tell a few people about adzly and they join (because it's free and it's awesome!)
6) They place some widgets online and start earning credits too.
7) They are so excited that they tell others about adzly
8) These "others" quickly create some widgets and place them online
EVERY time ANY of their widgets is loaded, YOU are going to be credited as well!
And remember the "others" ... the people that your referrals brought into adzly? Well, you guessed it ... EVERY time ANY of their widgets are loaded, YOU are going to be credited too!
And you can do all of this without spending a single penny!
New Video Software Let’s You Create Video Easily and Quickly!
As an internet marketer I am interested in keeping up with
new ideas and trends in internet marketing. Since I have
been on the internet for a long time doing things like
creating my own internet city, website promotion, making
money on the internet, I have seen the internet change by
leaps and bounds.
Today, in order to be relevant in internet marketing your
website or blog has to do more than just be a static webpage,
now you have to have content and different methods to share
that content such as having your own blog, perhaps forums,
and now the biggie, video. With increasing access to broadband,
video is now possible for virtually everyone to use.
Video has become the new must have have, not only for internet marketers
but for everyone who has a website.
Local Biz Owners who have a website can especially benefit from
video. With video, there are new opportunities to get out your
message, advertise your business, make video postcards, send
video e-mails create how-to the ideas are endless.
We website owners however, are thinking gee we want to get in
on the video thing, but it is something else we have to learn
how to do, another learning curve, and for many of us the idea
just sort of fizzles.
I am excited because I don’t have to miss out this time, because
I lack the expertise to create and broadcast videos or perhaps
I just don’t have the time.
I found a unique new software I thought I would check out, to
see if I could use it. I was hoping it would be easy to use,
to create video and then put it on my website. I also wanted
the video to look good, something I wouldn’t mind people watching
and/or downloading to pass it around.
Well I couldn’t believe it. This software made it drop dead easy
to make videos and to put them on my website. I actually was able
to make a quality, professional looking video in less than 5 min.
This sounds crazy I know, but I did it.
If video is something you have been wanting to do but felt really
intimidated by it up to this point, you might want to try this software
for yourself, because the best part is you can use the software and
it doesn’t cost you anything. That was important to me because I
didn’t know if I would be able to use the software, and I didn’t want to
pay for something I wasn’t sure I could even use.
You can visit the site at http://www.easyvideoproducer.com/clickthru.php?id=40061